
I’m not going to bullshit you over here. We’re not your breaking news portal on startups. You can go to yourstory.in or officechai.com for that.
If you’re an entrepreneur/solopreneur/freelancer/artist anybody who’s creating their own niche, we’re rooting for you.
You’re performing on the stage one of the very first times, there are only a handful of friends and family members there, we’re there in back row with a lighter up in the hand and cheering for you with tears of pride and joy.

Things might change as we spend more time doing this. But when I started this project, I didn’t want it to turn into another potentially monetisable idea that will compete with other potential sources of income, putting enough pressure on me for me to shutdown and not do anything about it as it will never be good enough. I’m not crying you’re crying.

I guess I need this blog as much (if not more) to inspire me to take the plunge. Or maybe this is my business, I’m just being too meta about it. I don’t know. We’ll find out as we grow.

Right now, we’re featuring stories, inspiration, reading material, free resource libraries to enable you to make it big. Thank us if were helpful, buy us a coffee or share the knowledge of our existence or do nothing.

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